Sunday, 13 September 2009

Bookbinding Workshop

It was a gloriously sunny day on Saturday for the first Bookbinding Workshop.

Temp: 24 c / 75.2 f
Wind: Calm
Direction: South
Rain: None
As it was such a beautiful day we decided to run the workshop outside in the Weather Garden. Below you can see Sarah Brown demonstrating to the group the precision involved in bookbinding.
The girls show-off their beautifully crafted fold out rain gauges.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Bookbinding Workshop

Bookbinding: How to record the weather.

On Saturday September 12th we will be running the first of four workshops in the Flintham Museum Weather Garden.
In this first workshop we will start to explore ways to capture, record and present various aspects of the weather.
The day will be led by Sarah Brown and Martin Smith.
Image: 84 Hours by Sarah Brown.

Sarah is an amazing bookbinder whose concerns are with the traditional craft of bookbinding and a determination to raise the profile of this declining industry.
There is a fee of £5 per person that includes lunch and all materials. The workshop is aimed at family groups and it is anticipated that each group will design and construct at least one book on the day.

For more information or to book a place please email Susan Clayton at Flintham Museum.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Cabinets of Curiosity

The first of the compartmentalised cabinets that are to be attached to the screens.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Weather Station and Garden opening

Today the Weather Station was officially unveiled to the good people of Flintham. It was a great turn out and the temperature was 18°C with a very slight wind from the south and cloudy with sunny spells.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Finishing Touches

The Weather Station is all now installed and here I am applying the final touches of paint. The official opening is 20th May.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Play Surface

The re-cycled rubber surface (made in The Netherlands from old truck tyres) has arrived. We've now cut it to shape and when installed it will sit around the base of the Weather Station on the side where the steps are. This cushioned surface feels great underfoot and will offer a degree of protection for anyone who falls/jumps off the steps!

Friday, 17 April 2009

Weather Station

The Weather Station instruments are now painted and assembled.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

White Bits

The painting of all the parts of the sculpture has started.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Installation part 2

Weather Station in the Weather Garden

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Weather Station Installation

Here are the results after a day when two men moved three ton of Trent Gravel and another two men moved half a ton of sculpture, with the help of the first two men.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Mordant Washed Screens

Here are two screens that have been mordant washed (still wet) in my studio. To the right you can see one of my collecting cabinets that the garden cabinets will be based on.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Screen and Foundations

Here you can see the steel screen nearly completed thanks to great work from Tom and Philip. The brick foundation in the foreground is where the Weather Station will sit.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Weather Garden Screen

The made to measure steel screen has now been installed around the perimeter of the Weather Garden. At the moment it has a very bright and shiny galvanised surface but after an application of mordant solution it will be black/grey slate in appearance.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

New Path

Work has now started on site at Flintham Museum.

Philip Selby is taking care of all the ground-works, here is the beautiful new path that he has laid to match the existing path that he laid some years ago.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Studio Visit

Site visit to the studio where members of the Flintham Society checked the progress on the Weather Station.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Weather Station Tests

My children, Nova and Sam, are the first to test the newly assembled Weather Station. They really enjoyed it and instinctively new what to do, although Nova has suggested that I install a hand rail on each side of the steps.

Assembled Weather Station

The Weather Station is now assembled and ready for the protective coating and paint to be applied.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Weather Station Structure

The steel parts of the Weather Station are finally all made. You can see in the image the base plate with a quadrant cut out (background). This quadrant has then been cut into arcs to make the series of concentric steps (foreground). The next job is to lift and assemble all the parts to make up the Weather Station.

A helping hand from steve and his fork lift truck.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Anemometer and Weather Vane

Here are two of the wind measuring instruments, Anemometer and Weather Vane, that will be attached to the top of the Weather Station. The Anemometer measures wind speed and the Weather Vane signals wind direction.

Weather Vane
These two pieces now have to go off to be galvanised and painted white.